Surname& Name |
Date of Birth |
Dan degree |
Awarded in Year |
Awarded by |
05.05.1956 |
8.Dan |
16.06.2019 |
BAĎURA Peter |
06.01.1955 |
8.Dan |
16.06.2019 |
MANEA Vasile |
02.03.1947 |
8.Dan |
16.06.2019 |
REPIN Alexei |
30.03.1952 |
8.Dan |
16.06.2019 |
CALZOLA Lorenzo |
08.08.1955 |
7.Dan |
2015 |
MUSAT Nicolae |
16.01.1970 |
7.Dan |
21.11.2018 |
ÖZOY Naci |
01.06.1954 |
7.Dan |
15.06.2018 |
ALBERTI Saverio |
20.08.1955 |
6.Dan |
08.08.2015 |
CALZOLA Andrea |
07.12.1977 |
6.Dan |
2015 |
CSIBA Tibor |
08.03.1964 |
6.Dan |
15.09.2018 |
01.01.1967 |
6.Dan |
2015 |
04.07.1967 |
6.Dan |
08.08.2015 |
LICIU Cristian Sorin |
24.10.1964 |
6.Dan |
2013 |
01.11.1974 |
6.Dan |
21.11.2017 |
MUSAT Nicolae |
16.01.1970 |
6.Dan |
25.06.2010 |
COLESNIC Veaceslav |
14.08.1982 |
5.Dan |
16.06.2016 |
FARINA Gabriele |
29.06.1984 |
5.Dan |
12.02.2005 |
GUTZMER Marcus |
13.01.1972 |
5.Dan |
2006 |
KACHAN Alexander |
15.10.1954 |
5.Dan |
2009 |
MANEA Alexandru Ioan |
18.01.1981 |
5.Dan |
30.08.2020 |
07.02.1967 |
5.Dan |
28.06.2021 |
22.05.1977 |
5.Dan |
16.07.2016 |
VOINEA Nicolae Ovidiu |
07.12.1969 |
5.Dan |
04.06.2022 |
ZUBRIČAŇÁK Branislav |
09.03.1980 |
5.Dan |
15.09.2018 |
03.02.1957 |
4.Dan |
28.06.2014 |
BALOI Nicolae Leonardo |
25.07.1977 |
4.Dan |
2013 |
GHITA Mihai |
17.08.1963 |
4.Dan |
2001 |
GRADINARU Constanin Marian |
29.03.1979 |
4.Dan |
24.04.2017 |
CHESI Jonathan |
03.02.1987 |
4.Dan |
2012 |
KISS Tibor |
14.08.1973 |
4.Dan |
01.06.2011 |
30.05.1975 |
4.Dan |
2014 |
07.12.1974 |
4.Dan |
2014 |
MIHAELA Mariana |
05.12.1978 |
4.Dan |
29.06.2013 |
22.05.1977 |
4.Dan |
15.07.2007 |
PATRASCU Nicolae |
01.08.1956 |
4.Dan |
2015 |
SORIN Avram |
24.07.1971 |
3.Dan |
25.06.2011 |
BAĎURA Peter jr. |
26.04.1980 |
3.Dan |
20.12.2005 |
25.10.1994 |
3.Dan |
09.10.2018 |
16.10.1996 |
3.Dan |
15.09.2018 |
29.04.1977 |
3.Dan |
2015 |
KLEIN Thomas |
27.05.1973 |
3.Dan |
2014 |
30.06.1982 |
3.Dan |
2013 |
MOLDOVAN Cipprian |
24.04.1968 |
3.Dan |
04.06.2022 |
06.10.1973 |
3.Dan |
2012 |
23.07.1992 |
3.Dan |
31.07.2016 |
WERLING Sandra |
22.09.1987 |
3.Dan |
2013 |
25.03.1984 |
2.Dan |
24.06.2012 |
CSIBA Dávid |
27.06.1998 |
2.Dan |
15.09.2018 |
HAAG Ivo |
26.09.1979 |
2.Dan |
01.12.2018 |
MANEA Mihaela Virginia |
11.12.1954 |
2.Dan |
30.08.2020 |
04.05.1989 |
2.Dan |
2013 |
MOUDRESTOV Alexandre |
30.06.1967 |
2.Dan |
1999 |
MUNTEANU Evgenii |
12.05.1989 |
2.Dan |
2016 |
SAMU István |
31.12.1979 |
2.Dan |
24.06.2012 |
SAMU Lóránt |
17.08.1980 |
2.Dan |
21.12.2013 |
STANCIU Andrei |
16.11.1999 |
2.Dan |
15.07.2017 |
16.10.1969 |
2.Dan |
05.12.2020 |
23.04.1991 |
1.Dan |
10.05.2022 |
31.12.1987 |
1.Dan |
10.02.20012 |
LOBAN Andrei |
24.03.1982 |
1.Dan |
1999 |
LOBAN Irina |
08.08.1977 |
1.Dan |
1999 |
22.02.1971 |
1.Dan |
09.10.2018 |
MANEA Mihaela Virginia |
11.12.1954 |
1.Dan |
29.07.2005 |
MARCOV Serghei |
10.12.1987 |
1.Dan |
2015 |
MARINOIU Andrei Alexandru |
19.11.1996 |
1.Dan |
2010 |
OSADCHYA Angelika |
27.01.1972 |
1.Dan |
SHATEEV Alexey |
05.11.1973 |
1.Dan |
2015 |
STANCIU Andrei |
16.11.1999 |
1.Dan |
2014 |
YERMAKOVA Svetlana |
27.09.1988 |
1.Dan |
1999 |
Update: 19.06.2022 |
Abravations: |
SSHRKA/ SKU - WKF – Slovak Karate Union/Slovak Shito Ryu Karate Association |
DKV/WKF – German Karate Federation |
SHRKTI – Shito Ryu Karate Team Italia |
RuSKF/WSKF – Russia Shito Ryu Karate Federation |
RoSHRKF/FKR-WKF – Romanian Shito Ryu Karate Federation |
MoSHRKF – Moldova Shito Ryu Karate Federation |
BrSHRKF – Belarus Shito Ryu Karate Federation |
WSKF – World Shitokai Federation |
TuRK - Turkish Karate Federation |
SG-SHKK – German Shukokai |
Recogniton Rules Dan-grade-recognition-rules.pdf
Grading Syllabus
Abbreviations used
HsD - Heisoku dachi
MsD - Musubi dachi
HD - Heiko dachi
UhD - Uchi hachiji dachi
SHD - Soto hachiji dachi
SchD - Sanchin dachi
SaD - Sagi ashi dachi
ShD - Shiko dachi
MD - Moto dachi
ZD - Zenkucu dachi
RD - Renodji dachi
NaD - Neko ashi dachi
KsD - Kosa dachi
KkD - Kokucu dachi
Movement abbreviations used
TS - Tai sabaki, moving sideways in a combat stance
TH - Tai hiraki, intervening or yawing with a 90 ° turn
CA - Cugi ashi - shift, movement begins with the rear leg (in the direction of movement)
SA - Suri ashi - shift, movement begins with the front leg (in the direction of movement)
Tempo Gosoku no Ho
DA - Daeshi, moving forward with a change of stance
HA - Hiki ashi, moving backwards with a change of stance
MA - Mawari ashi, avoiding spinning
YA - Yori ashi - move forward, backward leg starts (in the direction of movement)
TA - Tobi ashi - moving forward - backward by jumping
In Kihon tested Karate ka perform techniques till time examiner not order yame. In combat stance (SchD, MD, ZD, ShD) perform ten techniques in left stance and ten techniques in right stance, till time examiner not order yame.
In Kihon Ido tested Karate ka perform five step or combination to front and back, till time examiner not order yame.
10th kyu - White belt
It is not a prerequisite for a technical test, it is a matter for the Sensei to allow a student to wear Karate - gi with white belt after a period of active physical training. This is intended to motivate beginners to become Karate ka.
9th kyu - White obi with one black strip / Time Requirement, 3 months
Stances: HsD, MsD, HD, SHD, UHD, MD, ZD.
1. Seiken choku cuki jodan, chudan, gedan (in position HD or SHD)
2. Gedan Barai (SHD, ZD)
3. Age uke (SHD, ZD)
4. Joko uke (SHD, ZD)
5. Mae geri chudan (SHD, in MD position start front leg and after back leg)
6. Tai hiraki (HD)
Kihon Ido:
1. Oi cuki chudan performed in the stance of MD (ZD) movement DA and HA.
2. Age uke in ZD stance, HA movement.
3. Gedan barai in ZD stance, HA movement.
4. Joko uke in ZD stance, HA movement.
5. Mae geri chudan in MD stance, DA and HA movement.
Kata: Exercise Kihon Kata always starts with the left leg into the left stance to left side.
Shiho uke embusen shaped + four blocks four punches on four sides.
After Rei + Yoi make a left leg turn 90 ° into the left outward ZD with gedan barai + oi cuki chudan in MD, mawate right foot 180 ° to first ZD with gedan barai + oi cuki chudan in MD, turn left foot 90 ° forward to the left of the ZD with gedan barai + oi cuki čudan in MD, mawate step 180 ° left foot into ZD with block gedan barai + oi cuki chudan in MD, mawate left foot 180 ° to the outside ZD with gedan barai block, pull the front leg into musubi dachi and perform Yoi and Rei.
Juni No Kata Ichi - embusen in the shape of I
On the left side ZD gedan barai + oi cuki chudan in MD, mawate 180 ° to the ZD gedan barai + oi cuki chudan in MD. Move forward 90 ° to the left side of the ZD with gedan barai + 3 x oi cuki chudan in MD. Moving with the back foot 90 ° to the outside of the ZD with gedan brai + oi cuki chudan in MD, continue with mawate 180 ° similarly like at the beginning of kata etc.
Juni No Kata Ni
On the left side ZD age uke + MD oi cuki chudan - embusen same as Juni No Kata Ichi
8th kyu - Yelow belt / Time Requirement, 4 months after 9th kyu
Stances: ShD, NaD, KsD.
1. Shuto uke gedan (from SHD step backward below 45 ° to ShD and return to the starting position SHD)
2. Nino ude uke + Otoshi uke ( from SHD step backward below 45 ° to NaD and return to the starting position SHD)
3. Giaku cuki chudan (in position MD, ZD)
4. Uraken uchi - Tate, Shomen, Yoko (SHD, MD)
5. Joko uchi uke (Soto ude uke), (SHD, MD)
6. Shuto uchi gamen, yokomen (SHD, MD)
7. Sokuto geri (gedan yoko geri) (SHD)
Kihon Ido:
1. Tempo Gosoku no Ho - Five displacement systems.
2. DA in NaD joko uke, DA in MD oi cuki chudan.
3. DA in the GD gedan shuto uke, DA oi cuki chudan.
4. DA in MD oi cuki jodan + hind leg chudan mae geri reaching to ZD with age uke, front leg back to MD.
5. Proceed with Jodan ura uchi in MD, move DA and HA.
6. Proceed (DA) with mae geri chudan in MD move DA and HA.
7. Proceed (retreat) yori ashi (de ashi, hiki ashi) in MD.
8. Proceed (TS) in MD - move (YA) sideways.
Kata: Juni No Kata San - To the side in NaD joko uke, chudan mae geri and oi cuki to MD Towards the front and back start with NaD and joko uke and 3 x mae geri with oi cuki chudan in MD.
Pinan Nidan
1. Ippon kumite – MD kamae attack of jodan oi cuki or chudan mae geri. Defender retreat (HA) with age uke - gedan barai from MD to ZD and counterattack giaku cuki.
2. Orientation in space movement in MD forward, backward (YA, DA, HA) sideways (YA)
7th kyu – Orange belt / Time Requirement, 4 months after 8th kyu
Stances: RD, KkD, SchD, SaD.
1. Shuto uke chudan + front leg mae geri (from SHD back below 45 ° to NaD and return to the starting position SHD)
2. Mae tateken cuki jodan (from MD to ZD)
3. Hiji ate joko, mae, ushiro, mavashi otoši uči (ShD, ShD.
4. Nagashi uke + giaku cuki (from SHD step back to ZD)
5. Tetcui uchi / tate, sei / (SHD, MD)
6. Mawashi geri chudan (SHD, MD front and back leg)
7. Jun cuki + giaku cuki (step out from MD to ZD)
Kihon Ido:
1. DA in SchD oi cuki jodan, DA MD oi cuki chudan, DA ShD oi cuki gedan.
2. DA in ShD gedan shuto uke proceed at 45 ° angle then switch to ZD with giaku cuki chudan.
3. DA in ZD age uke, DA in MD oi cuki chudan.
4. DA in MD chudan mae geri + oi cuki jodan, DA oi cuki jodan.
5. Proceed (DA) with giaku cuki chudan in ZD.
6. Proceed (CA) in MD (retreat).
7. Proceed (TS) in MD - move (CA) sideways.
8. Proceed (DA) from MD with mae geri chudan on foot impact in ZD oi cuki jodan the front leg return to MD.
9. HA in MD with gedan barai and gyaku cuki chudan.
Kata: Pinan Shodan , Hiji ate Goho
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Nidan
1. Nihon kumite - Attack from MD (AyA) to ZD with jodan oi cuki and chudan giaku cuki, defender from MD relocating HA back to ZD with age uke and gedan barai blocks it then counterattacks giaku cuki.
2. The pair moves in MD in space (SA, CA, DA attack (DA) oi cuki jodan (giaku cuki čudan), defender perform active defends.
6th kyu – Green bel/Time Requirement, 4 months after 7th kyu
1. Hijisasae uke + chudan cuki with the same hand (from SHD step back to ZD)
2. Shotei uchi, Ura cuki (ShD)
3. Sayujoko uraken uchi (ShD)
4. Sukui uke + giaku cuki (from SHD step back to ZD)
5. From MD step forward into ZD with kizami cuki jodan (uraken uchi), MD kamae
6. From MD step forward into ZD with giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae
7. In ZD kizami jodan and giaku cuki chudan (emphasis on hips movements)
Kihon Ido:
1. From MD DA to ZD oi cuki jodan + giaku cuki chudan, front leg come back to MD with a block of jodan nagashi uke, back leg perform chudan mae geri at stepping into MD to perform age uke and chudan gyaku cuki, MD kamae.
2. from MD HA to NaD with jodan yoko uke, giaku tetcui uke stepping YA into MD with jodan tetcui uchi, HA to ZD with gedan barai + morote cuki, MD kaame.
3. Proceed (DA) from MD to ZD with oi cuki chudan, MD kamae.
4. Proceed (DA) in MD with mae geri chudan, MD kamae.
5. Proceed (DA) in MD with mawashi geri čudan, MD kamae.
6. Proceed (DA) in MD with ashi barai and oi cuki jodan, MD kamae.
7. Proceed in MD with mawashi geri chudan hind leg after kicking to reach ZD with nagashi uke, MD kamae.
8. Retreat (SA) from MD to ZD with nagashi uke and gyaku cuki, MD kame.
Kata: Pinan Sandan
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Shodan
Renzoku kumite
1. Sanbon kumite - defense against attack jodan oi cuki and chudan giaku cuki and jodan kizami cuki.
2. Tori - chose attack from kihon ido techniques of 6. kyu
Uke - performs defense and counterattack while it is important to put emphasis on the right distance and Zanshin.
3. Tori - free movement in MD using nagashi uke and gyaku cuki
Uke- passive defense
4. Tori - free movement in MD using techniques of chudan mae geri and uraken uči
Uke - active defense.
5th kyu – Blue belt/Time Requirement, 5 months after 6.kyu
1. Joko barai chudan + giaku cuki (from SHD step back to ZD)
2. Hiraken cuki, chudan, jodan (ShD)
3. Kosa uke gedan, jodan (from SHD step back to ZD)
4. Morote cuki (from ShD step forward into ZD)
5. Kakete uke + giaku cuki (step from SHD below 45 ° back to SchD)
6. From MD step to ZD with kizami jodan and then giaku cuki chudan emphasis on hips movement
7. From MD step forward to ZD with uraken teach jodan and giaku cuki chudan
8. Tai sabaki in MD with sukui (nagashi) uke block and subsequent performance in ZD with giaku cuki chudan, on the other side of shotei gedan uke (harai otoši uke) and giaku cuki
9. Joko geri chudan
Kihon Ido:
1. From MD pull the front leg to NaD with joko uke, then move DA with oi cuki jodan + giaku cuki chudan into MD, MD kamae.
2. From MD, HA to ZD with joko uke block then pull the front leg into MD with a giaku joko uke block and punch in place of mae tate cuki jodan stepping out to ZD, front leg back to MD kamae
3. From MD, HA to ShD with hiji uke, forward YA with chudan cuki in ShD, HA to ShD with hiji uke and get off YA with jodan shomen uraken uchi to ZD, front leg pull back to MD kamae
4. Proceed (YA) from MD to ZD with giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
5. Proceed (YA) from MD to ZD with kizami cuki jodan, MD kamae.
6. Proceed (YA) from MD to ZD with kizami and giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
7. Proceed in MD scythe dacha hind leg and joko geri, BP kamae.
8. Proceed (SA) from MD to ZD with giaku cuki chudan, back leg mae geri (mawashi geri), MD kamae.
9. Step back (HA) in MD, immediately after moving back the front leg to perform jodan mawashi geri.
Kata: Pinan Jondan, Shinsei Ichi – Chi No Kata
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Sandan
Renzoku kumite
1. Tori - chudan mae geri and oi cuki jodan in MD
Uke – active defense and counterattack
2. Tori - free movement from MD, yoko geri and giaku cuki (CA) attack
Uke – active defense and counterattack
3. Tori - Proceed (SA) from MD to ZD with giaku cuki, hind leg chudan mae geri (mawashi geri)
Uke – active defense and counterattack
4th kyu – Purple belt/Time Requirement, 5 months after 5.kyu
1. Ura Uke, Kuri Uke, Kensasae Uke (step back from ShD below 45 ° to NaD)
2. Age cuki (step forward from MD to ShD)
3. Shiho geri - mae, ushiro, yoko, mawashi geri (MD)
4. Step out of MD to ZD with giaku cuki chudan, jodan (2x once hand)
5. To change the indicated direct kick to arch techniques in MD, the kick is performed by the back leg: from chudan mae geri to mawashi geri, from chudan joko geri to mawashi geri
Kihon Ido:
1. HA from MD to ZD with sukui uke chudan + chudan cuki, HA to MD with nagashi kote uke jodan and with the same hand perform jodan shuto uchi move with YA, MD kamae.
2. In NaD DA with shuto uke chudan, YA to MD with giaku cuki chudan, back leg chudan mae geri + giaku cuki step to ZD, pulling the front leg into NaD with age uke block, NaD kame
3. Retreat (HA) from MD to ZD with nagashi uke, kizami cuki jodan with same arm as performed nagashi uke, giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae
4. Proceed (CA) in MD with kizami cuki jodan and (CA) giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
5. Proceed (CA) in MD front leg mawashi geri jodan (chudan mae geri).
6. Proceed DA in MD with ai barai to ZD with oi and giaku cuki, MD kamae.
7. Proceed DA from MD to ZD with a combination of mae geri chudan and uraken uchi jodan, MD kamae.
8. Proceed DA in MD with ushiro geri chudan
9. Proceed DA in MD oi komi giaku cuki chudan
Kata: Pinan Godan, Shinsei Ni – Te No Kata
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Jondan, Shinsei Ichi – Chi No Kata
Renzoku kumite
1. Tori - attack from MD back leg mawashi geri chudan and uraken uchi jodan
Uke – active defense and counterattack
2. Tori - free movement in MD, front leg mawashi geri + giaku cuki
Uke - active defense and counterattack
3. Tori - from free motion MD to ZD attack with oi cuki jodan and giaku cuki chudan
Uke - active defense and counterattack
4. Tori - from free motion in MD perform ashi barai with front or back leg
Uke - releasing a sweeped leg and kick jodan (chudan) mawashi geri
5. Tori - free movement in MD, indicate attack gyaku cuki
Uke - from MD counterattack giaku cuki (emphasis on reaction rate)
6. Tori a indicate attack kizami cuki
Uke of counter attack chudan mae geri (mawashi geri) (emphasis on reaction rate)
Jiyu Ippon
3th kyu – Brown belt with one black strip/Time Requirement, 5 months after 4.th kyu
Renzoku Kihon:
1 From MD, front leg mawashi geri (jodan, chudan) and giaku cuki chudan to ZD
2. From MD, front leg joko geri and uraken uchi jodan to ZD
3. From MD, front foot ura mawashi geri (jodan, chudan)
Change stances on the spot without relocating
4. NaD kamae, ShD gedan barai, switch to MD + chudan giaku cuki, front leg back to NaD with shuto uke.
5. NaD joko uke, step into ZD with jodan kizami cuki, chudan giaku cuki, cross to ShD with gedan barai, on place change to MD with chudan giaku cuki, NaD kamae.
6. ZD kamae, step into NaD + shuto uke, step into MD with chudan giaku cuki, ZD kamae
Kihon Ido:
1. From MD, HA to ZD with jodan kosa uke + chudan kosa uke, get off YA with tetcui uchi jodan in MD, TS to ZD with gedan barai + gyaku cuki, MD kamae.
2. From MD, hind leg chudan geri to go to ZD with age uke + gyaku gedan barai + haito uchi jodan, MD kamae.
3. Proceed (YA) in MD jodan kizami cuki, giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
4. Proceed (CA) in MD by the front foot of the chudan mae geri (mawashi) after kicking go to ZD with giaku cuki jodan, MD kamae.
5. Proceed (AyA) from MD with ashi barai, stepping forward into ZD with giaku cuki and kizami cuki, MD kamae.
6. From MD hind leg ura mawashi geri, MD kamae.
7. In MD, place the front leg of the mawashi geri jodan after the kick step into ZD with nagashi uke and giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
8. Tenshin Happo
Kata: Naifanchin Shodan, Sanchin, Matsumura Rohai
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Godan, Shinsei Ni – Te No Kata
Renzoku Kumite:
1. Sanbon kumite - from MD attack rear foot jodan mawashi geri with stepping into and uraken uchi
(oi cuki) and chudan giaku cuki, the defender performs defense and counterattack.
2. Tori - free movement in kamae, YA giaku cuki.
Uke - TS shotei uke (harai otoshi) uke and jodan ura mawashi geri.
3. Tori - free movement in kamae, SA kizami cuki jodan.
Uke - TS nagashi uke and giaku cuki.
4. Tori - free movement in kamae performashi barai
Uke - release sweeped leg with a subsequent kick of the jodan-ura mawashi,mawashi or joko geri
5. Tori - move speed when attacking kizami cuki and giaku cuki.
Uke - avoid attack (TS, YA, CA, DA, HA)
Jiyu Ippon
2nd kyu - Brown obi with two black strip/Time Requirement, 6 months after 3.th kyu
1. In MD tai sabaki nagashi uke and kizami cuki
2. In MD, the front leg combination chudan mae geri and mawashi geri between kicks leg do not put down on floor.
3. In MD, the front leg combination of mawashi geri and joko geri between the licks leg do not put down on floor.
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. From NaD, front foot chudan mae geri + giaku cuki to ZD, DA to NaD kamae.
2. From NaD, HA to ZD with yoko uke front foot back to MD with giaku gedan barai, YA to MD jodan ura cuki, front leg back to NaD kamae.
3. DA in NaD with shuto uke + hind leg chudan mae geri stepping into MD with oi and giaku cuki, DA to MD with kakete uke + giaku cuki, front leg back to NaD kamae.
4. (YA) from MD to ZD with giaku cuki jodan and then back leg ura mawashi geri jodan, MD kamae.
5. (DA) in MD ashi barai, turn 180 ° to HD, second leg ushiro geri chudan and MD kamae.
6. In MD to move forward with ushiromawashi geri jodan, MD kame.
7. In MD steping forward throut KsD with yoko geri chudan stepping with kicking leg to to ZD
with giaku cuki chudan, MD Kame.
8. In MD with back leg mawashi geri stepping forward (YA) with uraken uchi jodan, YA with gyaku cuki chudan to ZD front foot return to MD kamae.
Kata: Jion, Tensho, Matsukaze
Kata Bunkai: Naifanchin Shodan, Matsumura Rohai
Renzoku Kumite:
1. Concept of distance and impact control (different forms of kizami, giaku cuki, uraken uchi) an attacker attacks on a free-moving opponent in MD.
2. The concept of distance and kicks control (various forms of mae, mawashi, yoko, ushiro, uramawashi geri) Detto as in point 1.
3. Džiu kumite
Tori - active attack of various forms
Uke - passive defense system
Tori - free techniques
Uke - active defense and counterattack - use various forms of irritation
Jiyu Ippon
1st kyu - Brown obi with three black strip/Time Requirement, 8 months after 2.nd kyu
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. Retreat YA in MD with gedan shuto barai, same hand yoko uke, DA to ZD yokobarai jodan, giaku cuki chudan and mae tateken cuki jodan, MD kamae.
2. DA in MD with kakete uke + along diagonal direction sokuto geri, step YA forward to MD with giaku ura cuki, MD kamae.
3. HA in MD shotei gedan uke with same arm execute age uke, mae geri front foot to ZD with giaku cuki, MD kamae.
4. From MD hind leg jodan mawashi geri step forward kicking leg turned by 180° degrees to HD, then with other leg jodan ura mawashi geri, MD kamae
5. From MD with hind leg ushiro geri chudan to reach ZD with osae uke and giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
6. From MD, YA to ZD with kizami cuki jodan, hind leg ashi barai step forward to MD with tate otoshi gedan cuki, MD kamae.
7. Retreat HA in MD with nagashi uke jodan and osae uke with the same hand, step forward to ZD with gyaku cuki, MD kamae.
Kata: Jitte, Aoyagi, Saifa, Bassai Sho
Kata Bunkai: Jion, Matsukaze
Kumite: Jiyu Ippon, Jiyu Kumite (active defense system)
1st Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement / 1 year after 1.st kyu, practice minim. 5 years and age minim. 15 year
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. MD kamae, DA in MD oi cuki, YA in MD giaku chudan + jodan mae tateken cuki, MD kamae.
2. MD kamae, DA from MD hind leg chudan mae geri + oi cuki jodan to ZD, perform an age uke with the same arm pulling the front foot back into MD and giaku cuki, then step forward with the front foot into the ZD with mae tateken cuki, pull front leg back to MD kamae.
3. MD kamae DA oi cuki, HA to ShD with gedan barai switch to ZD with giaku + mae tateken jodan cuki, MD kamae.
4. From MD hind leg chudan mae geri, YA oi cuki jodan and YA gyaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
5. From MD through the KsD joko geri chudan, kicking leg stepping YA with uraken uchi jodan and giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
6. In MD step forward with the front leg to ZD with giaku cuki hind leg mawashi geri, move your kicking leg into MD with giaku cuki chudan, MD kamae.
7. In MD hind leg mawashi geri jodan, do not put leg on floor and immediately ura mawashi geri with the same leg.
8. Retreat (YA) in MD with nagashi uke and mawashi geri jodan.
9. From MD tobi mae geri.
Kata: Naifanchin Nidan, Seienchin, Bassai Dai
Kata Bunkai: Pinan Hokei kumite, Saifa, Jitte
Kumite: The Commission will determine from the list of techniques for application in kumite Dan test 1st to 5th Dan, techniques choose form 1. to 4.
Jiyu Ippo kumite, Jiyu kumite
Self-defense elements - break free from hand grip.
Uke no Go Gensoku: practical application of all five defense systems
2nd Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 2 years from 1.Dan, age min.17 years old
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. NaD kamae, DA to NaD with joko uke, DA to MD with oi cuki + giaku cuki YA back to the NaD with the shuto uke chudan, NaD kamae.
2. NaD kamae, HA NaD with joko uke, HA in NaD with chudan osae uke step front foot into ZD with gyaku shihon nukite, NaD kamae.
3. SchD kamae, DA in SchD with joko uchi uke, DA to ShD with gedan barai, HA to ShD with gedan barai, switch stance to ZD and giaku cuki chudan, YA back to SchD with age uke + giaku cuki, SchD kamae.
Combination of three techniques in personal choose stance:
1. combination of techniques: mae geri, oi cuki, giaku cuki
2. - // -: mawashi geri, uraken uchi, giaku cuki
3. - // -: ashi barai, ura mawashi geri, giaku cuki
4. - // -: joko geri, ushiro geri, giaku cuki
Kata: Šisochin, Niseishi, Juroku, Kosokun Sho
Kata Bunkai: Seienčin, Bassai Dai
The Commission will determine from the list of techniques for application in kumite Dan test 1st to 5th Dan, techniques choose form 1. to 6.
Jiyu Kumite, Hokei Kumite.
Self - defense elements - escape from strangulation and embrace.
3rd Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 3 years from 2.Dan, age min. 20 years old
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. ShD kamae, switch to ZD with gedan barai + giaku cuki, weight transfer on the back leg to NaD with shuto uke chudan + front leg chudan geri, after kicking put kicking leg to NaD with giaku cuki, DA to ShD kamae.
2. SchD kamae, DA in SchD with ura uke + back leg chudan mae geri step into MD with mawashi hiji ate, then tate uraken uchi with the same arm + giaku cuki, pull the front leg back to SchD.
Combination of three techniques in personal choose stance:
1. Combination of techniques: mae geri, mawashi geri, oi cuki, giaku cuki
2. - // -: ashi barai, ushiro geri, giaku cuki, uraken uchi
3. - // -: ura mawashi geri, giaku cuki, mawashi geri
Kata: Naifanchin Sandan, Sochin, Kosokun Sho, Sanseru
Kata Bunkai: Shisochin, Niseishi
The Commission will determine from the list of techniques for application in kumite Dan test 1st to 5th Dan, techniques choose form 1. to 6.
Jiyu kumite, Mawari
Self-defense elements - techniques of levers and immobilization of the opponent. ___________________________________________________________________________
4th Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 5 years from 3.Dan, age min.24 years old
Renzoku Kihon Ido:
1. SchD kamae, DA in SchD with kakete uke, step forward to ShD with giaku shotei uke + age jodna cuki kick with front leg joko geri chudan after that step to ZD with giaku cuki, transfer weight to NaD with uchiotoshi uke block and giaku jodan shotei uchi, SchD kamae.
2. NaD kamae, HA to NaD joko uke + giaku cuki and performd with the same arm age uke, YA back to SchD with kakete uke + giaku cuki, then forward YA to NaD with joko uke + giaku cuki + tate ura uchi, NaD kamae.
3. The candidate performs combinations of his choice.
Kata: Seisan, Gojushiho, Kosokun Dai + Tested select from one kata from 1. to 3. Dan test and Bunkai
Kata Bunkai: Sochin, Kosokun Sho
The Commission will determine from the list of techniques for the application in kumite for karate grade 1. to 5. Dan from techniques 1. to 10.
Jiyu kumite, Mawari
5. Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 5 years from 4.Dan, age min. 29 year old
Renzoku Kihon Ido: 1. The candidate performs combinations of his choice.
Kata: Seipai, Wanshu, Tomari Bassai + Tested select one kata from 1. to 4. Dan test and Bunkai
Kata Bunkai: Gojushiho, Seisan
The Commission will determine from the list of techniques for application in kumite for 1. to 5. Dan from techniques 1. to 10.
Jiyu kumite
6. Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 7 years from 5.Dan, age min. 35 year old
Renzoku Kihon Ido: The candidate performs combinations of his choice
Kata: Kururunfa, Matsumura Bassai, Nipaipo + Tested select one kata from 1. to 5. Dan test and Bunkai
7. Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 7 years from 6.Dan, age min. 42 year old
Renzoku Kihon Ido: The candidate performs combinations of his choice
Kata: Suparinpei + Bunkai, Tested select one kata from 1. to 6. Dan test and Bunkai
8.Dan – Black belt/Time Requirement minim. 7 years from 7.Dan, age min. 49 year old
Renzoku Kihon Ido: The candidate performs combinations of his choice
Kata: Chatan Yara Kushanku + Bunkai, Tested select one kata from 1. to 7. Dan test and Bunkai
List of techniques for kumite application in Dan degree from 1. to 5. Dan
1. Kizami + giaku cuki (as fast as possible lunge (YA) forward, reflection from the back leg)
2. Giaku + kizami cuki (use DA's move in opponent's retreat)
3. Catch the opponent's front leg with the leg, control the opponent's front hand + giaku cuki
4. Giaku cuki stepping sideways (bend and blow)
5. Oikomi giaku cuki.
6. Oikomi giaku cuki + (YA) uraken uchi + giaku cuki
7. Back leg mawashi geri + uraken uchi + giaku cuki
8. The front leg of mawashi geri + giaku cuki
9. Front leg ura mawashi geri + mawashi geri with the same foot + giaku cuki
10. A back leg chudan mae geri and changing the kick path to mawashi geri + giaku cuki